Explore Our Framework

Here's how everything fits together: starting from the fundamental reality that we are all wired differently! 
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Everybody is Wired Differently

No two people think alike, or experience the world in the same way. Embracing neurodiversity at work is about far more than accommodations and adjustments - and it begins with the fundamental appreciation of the fact that every team and every organization is by definition neurodiverse.

What This Means

How we all experience the world of work varies according to how our own unique brain is wired. 


How we prefer to communicate, in different context, differs. Don't assume someone else shares your preferences here! 


We all have different approaches to problem-solving - not everybody is a verbal, visual thinker who wants to problem-solve at a whiteboard.


Different learning styles have long been recognized, but too often these aren't well accommodated by managers or in employee development.


We all experience the world differently at a sensory level, and some people have strong preferences when it comes to where they are able to do their best work.

Our Methodology: the up model

  • Universal Design

    Proactive steps to embrace different thinking styles. A concept originally developed in architecture, as architects looked to build spaces that worked for everybody, the principles of Universal Design can be applied across all aspects of work and collaboration.
  • Person-Centered Support

    Ensuring individuals in the team are empowered to work at their best. Some people may find that their own brain wiring means they need certain support or flexibility in order to achieve optimal output: this approach always puts them in the driver's seat.

Improving Team Performance

Building more cohesive teams. where everybody values and recognizes that everybody is wired differently.
Delivering greater team synergy, enabling more effective-decision making and more powerful ideation.
Transforming collaboration so that teams can become far more than the sum of their neurodiverse parts.